Ohio Bankruptcy, Business & Probate Lawyer

COVID-19 Bankruptcy Options in Ohio

COVID-19 Bankruptcy Options in Ohio

COVID-19 has had an effect on virtually every aspect of our lives. For many, COVID has caused a serious lapse in their income and they may be struggling to make ends meet. Both individuals and small businesses in Ohio have been under pressure during this difficult...

Family Conversations Over the Holidays

Family Conversations Over the Holidays

As you gather with your family for the holidays this year, talking about trusts and long-term financial security will probably not be on your mind. Finances and death are two of the most uncomfortable and off-limits topics for families to discuss. Yet, it is...

The Leased Car…

The Leased Car…

To Surrender, Buy it Out, or Sell? Did you know that selling a leased car was an option? It’s not always been this way, but in this crazy year (2020), things have gone topsy turvy. The car manufacturers are not making as many cars. People are hanging on to their cars...

Get a Job and Pay for College…

Get a Job and Pay for College…

...Is that Even an Option These Days?  As recently as the dark ages of the ‘80’s – 1982 to be exact – a student could get a minimum wage job and pay for college and all the expenses that go with it. Like big hair, bad perms, and jelly bracelets, that time has passed...

Do I Need to Start Estate Planning?

Do I Need to Start Estate Planning?

When you hear “estate” mentioned, do you think of large well-manicured lawns and gorgeous mansions? Actually, you don’t have to be wealthy to have an estate. An estate is made up of all the property you own, including cash, cars, real estate, and other assets. If you...

Refinancing Your Home During COVID-19

Refinancing Your Home During COVID-19

During the pandemonium of the COVID-19 pandemic, there is one bright spot – the housing market. As the Federal Reserve continues to drive down interest rates, the housing market has been boosted to record levels. The combination of low interest rates plus readily...

Forming Business Partnerships in Ohio

Forming Business Partnerships in Ohio

Ohio has different types of business structures for entrepreneurs contemplating starting a business with partners. The various types of partnerships offer benefits unique to each one. Continue reading to decide which partnership is best for you and your business...

Ohio Unemployment and COVID – What You Need to Know

Ohio Unemployment and COVID – What You Need to Know

We are in the middle of the most uncertainty we have experienced in several decades. It seems that the rules and programs are ever-changing, and unemployment is no exception.  In the beginning, under the CARES Act, certain unemployed people who were receiving...

STOP Feeding the Trolls

STOP Feeding the Trolls

You are spending more and more time on social media. Whether you are 16 or 60, you are being targeted by these online lurkers feeding you misinformation and using you to spread it. You can stop the madness and still maintain your social media presence. Here are some...

Ten Ways to Cut Energy Costs

Ten Ways to Cut Energy Costs

Everyone is tightening their belts these days. There are some ways to save on your energy costs while you work from home or look for that new job. Here are 10 of them. Turn Down Your Water Heater The water heater accounts for 14-18% of your energy costs! Reduce the...

Moseman Law Office

Moseman Law Office is a full-service legal firm located in Mentor, Ohio, serving nearby counties, and providing personalized legal solutions to its clients.

Contact Us

Moseman Law Office
6990 Lindsay Drive #2
Mentor, OH 44060
Phone: (440) 255-0832